Notes From The CEO
Chad Murray • April 19, 2022
What Vision Do I Have For My Life?
To be more like Jesus everyday
- Live for him and do what he wants me to do
Double the return on my talents
Think ahead to what will be important years from now
Add 1000 units in 2022
Add 5000 units over the next 5 years
What Does The Bible Say About Serving Others?
How to serve others?
Help = to please, pleasing
Find others that need help, help them (looking outward)
- May not feel like technical work for you, but if what you do is helpful to them, then it is
- Looking inward
- Identify what we need internally
- Find people who can do these things were their work doesn’t feel like work to them
- Do not settle for work you do not love to do, let someone else who loves that work do it
Thinking about what to work on next? Find Others That Need Help, And Help Them
- Serve others
- There is much value in the management of what you already have. Do not downplay the importance of "checking on your flock". Caring for what we have is very important. Growth is important, but we need to never neglect what we already have. Manage it well.
- To whom is trusted much will be given.
What are my work loves?
- Teaching about leadership, business, PM, Investing, and faith
- Helping others get unstuck, engaging to help get to next level
- Being around other professionals to network, share ideas, high achievers
Try to think every day; how can I please someone today?
- Do a good deed everyday
- A good dead is one that brings a smile of joy to the face of others
Mathew 25:14
- Parable of the Talents
- One with 5 bags, one with 2, one with 1
- All were equal
- First two doubled their bags, one squandered it.
- Did not add to it, lived a complacent life, cared more about himself than his master
- Gifts should be doubled, not just added to
- We go where we are needed, however, when we go, we are clear on what deliverable is
- Each of these servants worked on a common goal, they worked for their master to take what they were given and double it
- In this parable, the servants appeared to be working alone, sole proprietors
- We each have a responsibility to use our gifts fully, but we have a team to aid us in the utilization of our own gifts when we get stuck
- Get clear on your talents, what does doubling them look like
- As we talked about last week, think about your customer
- Who is our common customer?
- Who do we serve?
- Verse 31 through 36 shows that even though we may feel our job is not very significant sometimes, the opposite is true
- Let’s not leave today without a full understanding of what we want to accomplish and when we want to deliver it
If You Believe, You Will Receive Whatever You Ask For In Prayer
What do we believe?
- We are the best, winningest team in PM
- We have the best people, and we get the most done
- We are fearless and courageous
- People need our help, and we can help them
- We are a beam of hope for others in the industry
- We set the bar
- Our bodies are temples, we take care of them with good diet, exercise, sleep
- We attack problems, overcome them, and we got all the day’s work done that day
- We plan each day, we schedule it, and we don’t leave until the day’s work is done
- Each team member knows exactly what they are responsible for delivering and they believe without a doubt what they do is crucial to company’s mission
- We only work on things that drive the needle, we delegate and eliminate all the things that fall outside of our job. We stay in our lane and our lane is always clearly defined. We do not have mission creep.
- We eliminate distractions when we are working and have a clear direction on how others are to receive service