Before my feet hit the floor that day, while I was still lying in bed, I began to think. I woke up! God gave me another day! That's amazing in itself! But Why? Why me, why now? Why not 100 years ago, or 100 years from now? Have you thought about that much in the past, about how life is a miracle?
That got me thinking:
What impact will we, as a generation of people, have on future generations? The world? God's kingdom? Can we make an eternal difference while we are here so future generations are better off because of the time we spent here on earth?
We don't know God's plan for this generation, but most likely, neither did the generations that came before us.
Wonder what it would be like if we as a people came together as one and proactively choose to make a positive difference in the hearts and minds of others while we are here? Would that change anything?
Or, maybe we leave that to "future generations", and rather, choose a life of comfort?
Like previous generations that came before, as we read about in the bible, it's so easy to allow sin to creep into our lives potentially take over if we are not careful.
This morning, I got to thinking - it seems there are really only two clear paths and one that is a little bit of both. One path is a life of pursuing worldly things, perhaps a life without a focus on Jesus in our lives, or a path where we choose to focus on Him and His will for our lives. Or, perhaps a life of comfort where we really never fully commit to Jesus or a life of living for Worldly desires. This is a life of comfort, or at least we think it is. We may say to ourselves, look at them, I am better than them. At least I'm not doing that... But what if we are only partially committed to God's plan for us - at least until we get the least bit uncomfortable?
Do we know what God thinks about us being partially committed or lukewarm? (Revelation 3:16) Sure, we may commit to the cause until we start to get the least bit uncomfortable, then we are back to our old ways.
What would it look like if we as a people woke up every day and pursued God's mission for our lives? All of us, you, me, this generation.
You might be saying, "I'm in"! but now what?
All you have to do is let Jesus know you are ready. Ready to make a change? Ready to leave the past in the past? Ready to start healing? Ready to be inspired and renewed? Ready to be loved? Ready to love? Ready to mend what's broken? Ready to gather what was lost? Ready to start hoping again? Ready for restoration? Ready to commit to Jesus as your Lord and Savior.
Ready to repent of our sins. Today is the day! Tomorow is not promised. A path of pursuing Jesus is a good path, a path I am trying to pursue every day. A path that leads to peace, joy, love, and life everlasting with Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior.
If you choose Jesus, and profess your faith, welcome to God's family of believers. Let's lift each other up and let's go work for Jesus and let's not waste the gift HE gave us today!